To the world, you are one person...but to one person, you are the world!

2004-11-21 at 8:51 p.m.

This weekend went by WAY too fast. I don't think any of us stopped or slowed down even for a minute, and we never made it out to mom's yesterday.
On a "personal" note, I think Carrie mightbe nearing readiness to potty train- sort of. Any time I have approached the subject, I have recieved a firm, "Noooo!" (OK, it was actually a SCREAMED one) and refusal to even try her potty chair. Bribery, fun videos, you name it- not interested. I've decided not to stress out over it, since I am told that they will train when they are ready...even if I'm going broke buying diapers.
Well, she has decided that although the potty chair isn't all that appealing, the TOILET is. Anything to be more like her big sister, I swear! Her little butt sinks down very low, so I broke out the little seat attachment that Kelly used to use and now she just loves to sit on the toilet! She doesn't actually DO anything in it, though, although she will occasionally squish up her face and grunt (learned that from DADDY- NICE, ladylike training technique!)and say, "I'm pooooo-shing it out, Mommy!" She will request tissue to wipe with and flush 25 times, jump off and yell, "Yayyy! I DID IT!" I can't stop the flushing. It drives me nuts. Reasoning with her doesn't work, and telling her she can't flush unless she actually PEES is a waste of breath that will only get a 15 minute tantrum.

She only tries the potty when SHE feels like it,never upon my suggestion. (Any sort of suggestion, even worded kindly, is taken as AUTHORITY and her claws come out.) Unfortunately, when SHE decides it's time to go, she doesn't always tell me. I will come downstairs, following a trail of clothing, (Yes, EVERYTHING must come off for this event, including her shirt.) that ends in a ripped apart diaper. (Even more expensive NOW, since she destroys clean diapers disrobing!) Maybe one day she will surprise me and leave a little present in the toilet. That would be a great birthday present next week- or even Christmas!
The upside of her toilet fancy is that if it continues and this is her permanent chosen method, I will not be subjected to the ritual "cleaning of the pot" this time around. YUCK! How nice it would be to flush it away instead!
Kelly is such a good little cheerleader, too. She will prompt her along, and even demonstrate her professional abilities, allowing Carolyn to watch the pee go intothe toilet. Amazing, I tell you.
They both went for a little ATV ride this afternoon with Daddy, it was nice outbut he TOLD me it was cold enough to need hats, so I stuffed little helmets on over all the bulk. Carrie always removes her hats in the yard, so they are all in the wash today. Like my makeshift hat with a red scarf??? ;)

Last Five

Nostalgic Mama - 2005-08-21
Fitting, I suppose- though a bit outdated? - 2005-07-24
Pathetic Wondering - 2005-05-30
Brain-Dead Carnie - 2005-05-22
The Bedbugs Bit Me - 2005-05-16

Kelly is officially FOUR now!

Countdown to Kelly's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

Carolyn is gonna be THREE soon!

Countdown to Carrie's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

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