To the world, you are one person...but to one person, you are the world!

Dancing Babies and Other Such Silliness
2004-10-10 at 12:25 a.m.

Motherhood just gets better and better. Aside from the constant bickering and beating one another, Kelly and Carrie are the best of friends. I can never get enough of the kissing, hugging and playing with each other!
This week, Carrie was invited to try out one dance class. She donned a borrowed-from-Kelly leotard and came to class with her sister to see if she was ready for class. They were both SO excited that Carrie would be coming to class, and we got there early so Carrie could check out the studio and Kelly could show her a few "warm-up" excercises.

They are both quite limber. Ah, to be young and flexible!

Kelly just LOVES class. She's getting quite good at it, too. She knows a lot of little steps- takes tap and ballet. She teaches her sister at home, and Carrie is a willing student. Any opportunity to copy Kelly is welcomed!

Unfortunately, Carolyn was basically thrown out of tap class early on. Once the other girls showed up and stood in place for instruction, Carrie decided it would be a free-for-all and began a gymnastics routine on the bar. When the teacher finally got her to control herself, she sat in the back to watch the other girls and tapped her feet, making lots of fun noise, and started yelling, "Mommy! Get in he-ah! Come see me! Watch DIS, Mommy!" Of course, Mommies aren't allowed in the class. Carrie continued to disrupt the class and had to be bodily removed, little tapping toes kicking away and screaming at the top of her lungs.
Not really willing to participate in the class and do as told, she's just not mature enough this year. At least she isn't afraid of it like Kelly was at two. What a difference a year can make! Next year, for sure, she'll be more interested in paying attention than sticking her hands down her dance skirt and yelling, "Mommyyyyy, I found my DIAPERRR!"

Last Five

Nostalgic Mama - 2005-08-21
Fitting, I suppose- though a bit outdated? - 2005-07-24
Pathetic Wondering - 2005-05-30
Brain-Dead Carnie - 2005-05-22
The Bedbugs Bit Me - 2005-05-16

Kelly is officially FOUR now!

Countdown to Kelly's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

Carolyn is gonna be THREE soon!

Countdown to Carrie's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

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