To the world, you are one person...but to one person, you are the world!

House at Pooh Corner
2004-03-26 at 3:06 p.m.

christopher robin and i walked along

as the branches lit up by the moon

posing our questions to owl and eyore

as our days disappeared all too soon

but i wandered much farther today than i should

and i can't seem to find my way back to the woods

so help me if you can i've got to get

back to the house at pooh corner by one

you'd be surprised there's so much to be done

count all the bees in the hive

chase all the clouds from the sky

back to the days of christopher robin and pooh

winnie the pooh doesn't know what to do

got a honey jar stuck on his nose

now he came to me asking help and advice

and from here no one knows where he goes

so i sent him to ask of the owl if he's there

how to loosen a jar from the nose of a bear

so help me if you can i've got to get

back to the house at pooh corner by one

you'd be surprised there's so much to be done

count all the bees in the hive

chase all the clouds from the sky

back to the days of christopher robin and pooh

so help me if you can i've got to get

back to the house at pooh corner by one

you'd be surprised there's so much to be done

count all the bees in the hive

chase all the clouds from the sky

back to the days of christopher robin

back to the ways of christopher robin

back to the ways of pooh

I heard this song for the first time in YEARS the other day. Kenny Loggins. I was in the van with the girls when it came on and I looked in the rear-view mirror to see them bith swaying back & forth, in unison, smiling. I was just touched to tears. I downloaded it today. (Yay for Kazaa!) I put it on repeat, and they held hands & "circle danced" around the dining room. They sat down together & had a tea party with all their fancy plastic things, and actually ENJOYED each other. No one threw anything, no one took a toy away, they were just HAPPY. I thought, geez, my babies are growing up WAY too fast. How will I ever go back to having a house with no babies in it? Someday I will have to. I really don't think I WANT empty nest syndrome- not EVER. Somehow, SOMEONE'S kids just HAVE to be in this house.

So, of course I was madly weeping, watching them & listening to the music. The Schwan frozen food guy stops right then. I'm sure he thought I had gone insane (no surprise) as I blamed "allergies" for my red teary eyes & runny nose. OK, it's the second nice day- and there's no POLLEN just yet, right? Screw him. The girls served him invisible tea & forced him to pretend to drink it from their sticky little cups while I looked through the sale catalog. He got a $35 sale. That's $35 less for groceris now. Chew on THAT, budget boy!

Speaking of whom, we are trying to work things out. He acts like everything is fine and I ignore him as much as possible. He said a week ago he was going to hunt downanother person for counselling, since we agreed our pastor isn't helping at ALL. I reminded him ONCE and haven't heard a damn thing since.

Last Five

Nostalgic Mama - 2005-08-21
Fitting, I suppose- though a bit outdated? - 2005-07-24
Pathetic Wondering - 2005-05-30
Brain-Dead Carnie - 2005-05-22
The Bedbugs Bit Me - 2005-05-16

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