To the world, you are one person...but to one person, you are the world!

Quiet Day!
2003-12-04 at 3:11 p.m.

40 more minutes and it's off to work. What an incredibly peaceful day it has been, so far. Both girls were happy all day- well, as happy as Kelly CAN be. She usually has some minor complaints at some point to set her off! Today, it was her "circle bandage" that came up missing. She had her flu shot yesterday, they put a circle bandage on her little thigh afterwards. She likes the doctor's, even got excited about a SHOT, (strange child!) but most of all, she got a BANDAGE. And a circle one, at that!

Actually, I skillfully removed it while I was towel drying her after a bath, and she never noticed.

Tonight is election night at work, they vote in all the fire & EMS officers. WHoopee. Doesn't affct me in any way, but I do enjoy the drama when some of them get pissed off! :)

Off to play with Carrie before I have to leave! :)

Last Five

Nostalgic Mama - 2005-08-21
Fitting, I suppose- though a bit outdated? - 2005-07-24
Pathetic Wondering - 2005-05-30
Brain-Dead Carnie - 2005-05-22
The Bedbugs Bit Me - 2005-05-16

Kelly is officially FOUR now!

Countdown to Kelly's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

Carolyn is gonna be THREE soon!

Countdown to Carrie's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

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