To the world, you are one person...but to one person, you are the world!

On Mommyhood
2003-10-27 at 10:03 p.m.

My little Kelly is growing up so fast. She is talking up a storm now- actually, she never shuts up! It's so incredible to hear her form opinions, make comments & observations all on her own. She is a little PERSON! She just tickles me.

Carolyn. Oh, my BABY! She is so independent. I long to just hold her & cuddle her. Seems just a month ago she was my newborn baby, the last baby I will ever have, and now she is just too "busy" to sit down with me unless she is TOTALLY exhausted or has some sort of her sister pissing her off. Only then does she decide to need Mommy.

How is this all happening so fast? I know one day I will think back to these days and wonder how they got to be so grown up...but even now I understand that I need to cherish EVERY LITTLE THING, because it all changes so fast. I'm happy that they both sleep through the night (usually- bad dreams or thirst sometimes creeps in) and the needy "infant"stage is gone... but I do even miss those days, in a way. So for now, I am holding each precious moment like a sweet spring flower that will soon just be a memory. I sometimes regret having little to no time to myself, but I need to realize the fragility of their youth and relish every second. So Teletubbies is annoying- but the look on a baby face as she smiles and squeals with glee is PRICELESS! Life is priceless. Being a parent is more than I ever dreamed.

Last Five

Nostalgic Mama - 2005-08-21
Fitting, I suppose- though a bit outdated? - 2005-07-24
Pathetic Wondering - 2005-05-30
Brain-Dead Carnie - 2005-05-22
The Bedbugs Bit Me - 2005-05-16

Kelly is officially FOUR now!

Countdown to Kelly's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

Carolyn is gonna be THREE soon!

Countdown to Carrie's Birthday
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker

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